My Book: Fire-Cracked Rock Analysis

My Book: Fire-Cracked Rock Analysis

My book Fire-Cracked Rock Analysis: A Guide to Function, Cooking and Interpretation is now published by Springer. The book is the first-ever manual for the study of fire-cracked rock (FCR), one of the most ubiquitous yet understudied classes of artifacts worldwide.

The book is part of Springer’s series Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique and focuses on the ways practicing archaeologists can infer function from their FCR collections, spanning from paleoanthropology and the early adoption of fire through to present archaeology.

Download the book table of contents.


  • First manual for the study of fire-cracked rocks, providing a groundbreaking new approach to lithic analysis and function
  • Comprehensive guide for students and professionals in the field and lab, and data interpretation
  • Develops methods and theories for understanding how fire-cracked rock was used in cultural and cooking practices