
Peer-Reviewed Book

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2024. Fire-Cracked Rock Analysis: A Guide to Function, Cooking and Interpretation. Series: Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique. Cham: Springer.

Peer-Reviewed Edited Volumes

Neubauer, Fernanda, and Nam C. Kim (Guest Editors). 2021. Thematic Issue: Archaeology of Violence and Warfare. Habitus, v. 19, n. 2.

Neubauer, Fernanda, and Michael J. Schaefer (Guest Editors). 2019. Special Issue: A Festschrift for James M. Skibo. The Wisconsin Archeologist, v. 100, n. 1&2.

Neubauer, Fernanda (Guest Editor). 2018. Thematic Issue: Archaeology of Childhood/Arqueologia da Infância. Revista de Arqueologia, v. 31, n. 2. (Journal of the Society of Brazilian Archaeology).

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Neubauer, Fernanda, and Nam C. Kim. 2021. Tupinambá practices of violence, warfare, and cannibalism in sixteenth century Brazil through ethnohistory and archaeology. Habitus, v. 19, n. 2, pp. 189-213. (Thematic Issue: Archaeology of Violence and Warfare).

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2019. Fire-cracked rock experiments: A comparison of use-alteration and fracture patterns between stone boiling/wet cooling and hearth/dry cooling. The Wisconsin Archeologist, v. 100, n. 1&2, pp. 35-47. (Special Issue: Papers in Honor of James M. Skibo).

Neubauer, Fernanda, and Michael J. Schaefer. 2019. Pottery function, ethnoarchaeology and behavioral archaeology: An introduction to the career of James M. Skibo. The Wisconsin Archeologist, v. 100, n. 1&2, pp. 18-26. (Special Issue: Papers in Honor of James M. Skibo).

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2019. Uma breve visão geral dos últimos 10 anos das principais descobertas do Pleistoceno Superior no Velho Mundo: Homo floresiensis, Neandertal, Denisovan. Translated by Fernanda Neubauer. Cadernos do LEPAARQ, v. XVI, n. 32, pp. 201-214. [Original reference: Neubauer, Fernanda. 2014. A Brief Overview of the Last 10 Years of Major Late Pleistocene Discoveries in the Old World: Homo floresiensis, Neandertal, Denisovan. Journal of Anthropology 2014:1-7].

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2018. Use-alteration analysis of fire-cracked rocks. American Antiquity, v. 83, n. 4, pp. 681-700.

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2018. Playing with projectile points: Childhood flintknapping imitation at an 8,500-year-old hunter-gatherer rockshelter site in southern Brazil. Revista de Arqueologia, v. 31, n. 2, pp. 35-57. (Thematic Issue: Archaeology of Childhood; Journal of the Society of Brazilian Archaeology).

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2018. Hunter-gatherer fall social aggregation: A Late Archaic seasonal mobility model for Grand Island and Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in the Great Lakes region. The Wisconsin Archeologist, v. 99, n. 1, pp. 41-53. (Thomas Pleger Memorial Issue).

Neubauer, Fernanda., and Michael J. Schaefer. 2017. The feminist critique: Incorporating gender, childhood, and identity in archaeological research. Revista de Arqueologia, v. 30, n. 2, pp. 145-161. (Thematic Issue: Feminist Critique and Archaeology; Journal of the Society of Brazilian Archaeology).

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2014. A brief overview of the last 10 years of major Late Pleistocene discoveries in the Old World: Homo floresiensis, Neanderthal, and Denisovan. Journal of Anthropology, v. 2014, Article ID 581689, pp. 1-7.

Dias, Adriana S., and Fernanda Neubauer. 2010. Um estudo contextual da organização tecnológica do sítio RS-C-61: Adelar Pilger (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil). [A contextual study of the technological organization of site RS-C-61: Adelar Pilger (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)]. Cazadores Recolectores del Cono Sur: Revista de Arqueología, v. 4, pp. 187-206.

Book Chapters (* peer-reviewed)

Neubauer, Fernanda. In Press*. Earth oven cuisine via fire-cracked rock cooking in the Midcontinent. In Ancient Indigenous Cuisines: Archaeological Explorations of the Midcontinent, edited by Susan Kooiman, Jodie O’Gorman, and Autumn Painter, Archaeology of Food book series. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2011. A frágil relação estabelecida entre a arqueologia, a educação patrimonial e o ensino de história: Propostas de mudança. [The fragile relationship established between archaeology, cultural heritage education, and the teaching of history: Proposals for change]. In Arqueologia no Sul do Brasil [Archaeology of Southern Brazil], edited by A. H. Barcelos, J. Bitencourt, and C. I. Parellada, organized by the Southern Chapter of the Society of Brazilian Archaeology (SAB/SUL), Ed. UNESC, Criciúma, Brazil, pp. 85-100.

Book Review

Neubauer, Fernanda. In Press. Book review of Earth Ovens and Desert Lifeways: 10,000 Years of Indigenous Cooking in the Arid Landscapes of North America, edited by Charles Koenig and Myles Miller, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2023. New Mexico Historical Review.

Conference Proceeding

Neubauer, Fernanda, James M. Skibo, and Eric C. Drake. 2010. Sítio arqueológico Popper: Um estudo da tecnologia lítica do período Arcaico Tardio em Grand Island, Michigan, E.U.A. [Popper archaeological site: A study of the Late Archaic period lithic technology from Grand Island, Michigan, USA]. In Proceedings of the 15th National Congress of the Society of Brazilian Archaeology (SAB), 2009 Sept. 20-23, Belém, PA, Brazil, Trabalhos completos: comunicações, v.1, pp. 44-62.


Lillehammer, Grete. 2018. Uma Criança Nasce. Uma Criança Nasce. O Mundo da Criança em uma Perspectiva Arqueológica. Translated by Fernanda Neubauer. Revista de Arqueologia, v. 31, n. 2, pp. 14-24. [Original reference: Lillehammer, Grete. 1989. A Child is Born. The Child’s World in an Archaeological Perspective. Norwegian Archaeological Review, v. 22, n. 2, pp. 89-105].

Other Publications

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2021. Introduction to the Volume on the Archaeology of Violence and Warfare/Introdução ao Dossiê Temático sobre a Arqueologia da Guerra e da Violência [published in English & Portuguese]. Habitus v. 19, n. 2, pp. 159-162. (Thematic Issue: Archaeology of Violence and Warfare).

Neubauer, Fernanda, Michael J. Schaefer, Constance Arzigian, Katherine Stevenson, and Vicki Twinde-Javner. 2019. Editors’ Corner. The Wisconsin Archeologist, v. 100, n. 1&2, pp. 3-4. (Special Issue: Papers in Honor of James M. Skibo).

Neubauer, Fernanda (Compiler). 2019. James M. Skibo: A Photographic Retrospective and Academic Information. The Wisconsin Archeologist, v. 100, n. 1&2, pp. 7-17. (Special Issue: Papers in Honor of James M. Skibo).

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2018. A Brazilian Child is Born: Introduction to the Thematic Issue on the Archaeology of Childhood. Revista de Arqueologia, v. 31, n. 2, pp. 8-13. (Thematic Issue: Archaeology of Childhood; Journal of the Society of Brazilian Archaeology).

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2018. Uma Criança Brasileira Nasce: Introdução ao Dossiê Temático sobre a Arqueologia da Infância. [A Brazilian Child is Born: Introduction to the Thematic Issue on the Archaeology of Childhood]. Revista de Arqueologia, v. 31, n. 2, pp. 2-7. (Thematic Issue: Archaeology of Childhood; Journal of the Society of Brazilian Archaeology).

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2015. Fire-cracked rock in context: Late Archaic hunter-gatherer chipped stone and hot rock technology of the Great Lakes region. The Current: Newsletter of the Society for American Archaeology’s Island & Coastal Archaeology Interest Group, v. 3, n. 1, pp. 9.

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2015. Archaeology around Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Wisconsin Archeologist, v. 96, n. 1, pp. 114-118.

Pfaffenroth, Jake, Fernanda Neubauer, Sarah Tate, and Heather Walder. 2014. Archaeology around Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Wisconsin Archeologist, v. 95, n. 1, pp. 132-135.

Walder, Heather, Jake Pfaffenroth, Fernanda Neubauer, and Sarah Tate. 2013. Archaeology around Wisconsin: Graduate student research in UW-Madison’s James B. Stoltman Laboratory of Wisconsin Archaeology. The Wisconsin Archeologist, v. 94, n. 1 & 2, pp. 278-279.

Neubauer, Fernanda, James M. Skibo, and Michael J. Schaefer. 2013. Grand Island Archaeology: The Late Archaic Period (4,500-2,000 BP). The Current: Newsletter of the Society for American Archaeology’s Island & Coastal Archaeology Interest Group, v.1, n. 2, pp. 6-7.

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2011/2012. A alteridade indígena na obra de Cabeza de Vaca. [Indigenous alterity in the works of Cabeza de Vaca]. Revista Espaço Científico Livre, n. 5, pp. 6-13.

Schaefer, Michael J., and Fernanda Neubauer. 2008. Brazilian student exchange. Signs & Symbols, Illinois State University Department of Anthropology, v. 8, Spring 2008, pp. 5.

PhD Dissertation

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2017. Dissertation summary: Late Archaic hunter-gatherer lithic technology and function (chipped stone, ground stone, and fire-cracked rock): A study of domestic life, foodways, and seasonal mobility on Grand Island in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Revista de Arqueologia, v. 30, n. 1, pp. 260-262. (Journal of the Society of Brazilian Archaeology).

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2016. Late Archaic Hunter-Gatherer Lithic Technology and Function (Chipped Stone, Ground Stone, and Fire-Cracked Rock): A Study of Domestic Life, Foodways, and Seasonal Mobility on Grand Island in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States.

Senior Thesis (Brazilian TCC)

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2010. Padrões de assentamento, subsistência, mobilidade sazonal e interação cultural entre os caçadores-coletores do período Arcaico Tardio (4.500-2.000 A.P.) na Upper Peninsula, Michigan, EUA. [Patterns of settlement, subsistence, seasonal mobility and cultural interaction of the Late Archaic hunter gatherer groups of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (4,500-2,000 B.P.)]. Senior Thesis (TCC), Department of History, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2009. Sítio arqueológico Popper: Um estudo da tecnologia lítica do período Arcaico Tardio em Grand Island, Michigan, E.U.A. [Popper archaeological site: A study of the Late Archaic period lithic technology from Grand Island, Michigan, USA]. Senior Thesis (TCC), Department of History, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Technical Reports

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2013. Field journal of the 2012-2013 excavations on Grand Island, MI. Report submitted to the USDA-Forest Service, Hiawatha National Forest, on file. Gladstone, MI.

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2010. Um estudo da organização tecnológica de conjuntos líticos da Tradição Umbu no Vale do rio Caí: Sítio RS-C-61: Adelar Pilger, município de Harmonia, RS. [A study of the technological organization of the Umbu Tradition lithic assemblage in the Caí River Valley. Site RS-C-61: Adelar Pilger, city of Harmonia, RS, Brazil]. Report submitted to the National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq). Brasília, DF, Brazil.

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2010. A organização tecnológica do material lítico das dunas de areia de Paracuru, CE. [The technological organization of lithic materials of the sand dunes in Paracuru, CE, Brazil]. Report submitted to the Arqueologia Brasil Ltda. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2009. Diário de campo das prospecções arqueológicas em colaboração com representantes Guarani no Parque Estadual de Itapuã, Morro do Coco e Ponta da Formiga na Grande Porto Alegre, RS, durante os anos de 2008 a 2009. [Field journal of archaeological surveys in collaboration with Guarani representatives at Itapuã State Park, Morro do Coco, and Ponta da Formiga in Greater Porto Alegre, RS, from 2008 to 2009]. Report submitted to the History Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2008. Relatório de estágio realizado na Escola Estadual Itália, 5. série do ensino fundamental – Turma 51 e 53. [Internship report conducted at Itália State School, fifth grade classes 51 and 53]. Report for the development of teaching material submitted to the Central Library of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.

Neubauer, Fernanda. 2007. As Indústrias Líticas Guarani Pré-coloniais do Vale do Rio Caí (RS): Aspectos de estilo tecnológico. [Pre-Colonial Guarani Lithics of the Caí River Valley: Aspects of Technological Style]. Report submitted to the Foundation for Research Support of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS). Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.